Friday, December 17, 2010

Who needs a supervisor?

On TV, someone said something about "sexual politics."  Big Girl walks by as they said this.  She stops, turns to me and says,

Big Girl:  Mom, what is 'sexual politics'
Me: It is a mommy and daddy word.  It is not a very nice word.
Big Girl: They should not say that! They should spell it.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Today for lunch, I made vegetarian black bean burgers.  I suspected the kids would not be pleased, so I did not make much for myself, knowing that I would be finishing off some leftovers.  Still, I wanted them to try it and even came up with a creative name.

As I watched the kids eat around the burgers, I started to pick at their burgers while eating.

Big Girl: Don't eat my mud casserole.
Me: Well, you aren't eating it.  If you don't eat it, I will eat it.
Big Girl: I will eat it!
Me: Okay.

Brother:  If you eat it, I will eat it.

I am not sure if he was missing the point or if he did a really good job of trying manipulating me....

Friday, September 24, 2010

Oh the Things....

So, as we were cleaning up some messes before some guests arrive,

Big Girl:  Mom, why do want to clean before friends come to play?

And before I could answer,

Big Girl:  Is it more restable?

Thursday, August 19, 2010


We love to frequent the local pool.  Today, as we were leaving the pool, we spent a lot more time than I would have liked right outside the entrance to the pool.  The entrance has a canopy and for the first time ever, the kids looked up.  They noticed the bird spikes:
on the cross beams of the canopy:
Big Girl:  What is that?
Me: Those are sticks to keep the birds from landing on those and going potty all over everyone.
Big Girl:  But, where do the birds go potty, then?
Me: I don't know, but we do not want them to go potty there.

All of a sudden,

Brother: They go potty in the potty chair, Mom!  They go potty in the potty chair!

Well, how can you argue with that?

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Always when I am distracted.

I'm going a little stir crazy.  We are pretty sure we have chicken pox in our house and hurricane Alex has brought rain outside.  So, tonight, I decided it was time to take a break and went shopping - online.  Big Girl came in and was talking to me, but I was not really listening.  I was shopping. 

Big Girl: Mommy, are you listening?
Me: I am sorry.  Yes, I am listening.  What are you trying to tell me?
Big Girl: I am telling you a joke.
Me: You are?  What are you saying?
Big Girl: I am telling you a joke.  Aren't you going to tell people about it?
Me: Yes, I will tell people about it. (Now!)

While I was getting to the blog to post this, she walked over to Brother Bear and started telling him in her nicest Mommy voice about how "Mommy is busy working on the computer."

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Human Nature

Tonight, in preparation for dinner, we could not decide if we should be indulgent or be good about dinner.  Daddy decided to get some more input from the others that would be impacted by our decision.

Daddy:  Should we eat healthy food or junk food for dinner?

Big Girl:  Mommy, I don't want to get sick, so we should eat healthy.

I was regretting previous words at this point.  We had discussed how sometime eating too much junk food can make you really sick and it can make your body stop working the right way.
However, after a pause, I was reassured that I did not scare her too much.

Big Girl: Um, maybe we should have junk food tonight and we can eat healthy food tomorrow.

After much laughing, Daddy and I discussed the options some more.

Daddy: How about this?  What if we eat healthy food for dinner and then after dinner we can go get some ice cream?  What do you think of that plan?

Big Girl:  I like the junk food plan.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

2 + 2 = 22 or something like that

Today while eating lunch, this was the conversation.

Big Girl:  Momma, What is a picky eater?
Me: It is someone who doesn't like to eat many different kinds of food.  Picky eaters don't like healthy food and they like to eat mostly junk food.
Big Girl: Am I a picky eater?
Me: No, you and Brother like healthy food.  You are eating strawberries and peaches right now.
This was enough for a little while.  But, oh, there was more to come.
A little later....
Big Girl:  Momma, are donkey's picky eaters?
Me: No, not really.  (However, after saying this, I think I would have changed that answer.)
Big Girl: Oh, okay.
More eating.
Big Girl:  So, are we Donkey Eaters!?

Well, I guess so.
I can't argue with that.